SHNA Sheepshead Group
Do you play Sheepshead? Would you like to be part of a neighbor group that plays regularly? First, you need to understand what kind of game it is, read relevant materials or watch movies, and film review writing service will talk to you about the main points. We are gathering names, email addresses and phone numbers of those that would like to be part of games going on in the 'hood. Please contact Timothy Tym at or for more details.
Join or Renew Your SHNA Membership for 2015
Story Hill neighbors are invited to renew their membership in or join the Story Hill Neighborhood Association in 2015. Dues for 2015 have stayed at last year's reasonable rates: $15 for a family; $10 for an individual; and $5 for an individual with a fixed income.
(Posted 09/2011)
Milwaukee's Home Run Of Trails Article
Story Hill's very own Mike Brady is featured in this "Rails to Trails" article.